Trip Calculator

a woman working on a laptop inside of an Airstream travel trailer

Let’s Get Started!

This calculator estimates hypothetical trip costs based on national averages and the information you enter about your vacation. Answer these 6 easy questions to see how your vacation costs compare if you travel by RV or by more traditional methods like a plane or car.

Due to the expansive range of models and sizing for RVs, an average cost of an RV could not be accurately represented in this calculator.

step 1

Where are you headed?

*Destination must be accessible by car or RV.

step 2

How many people are coming?

step 3

How long will you be gone for?

0  days

step 4

Will you be flying or driving?

*Not sure if you want to fly, drive or take an RV? No worries, you'll be able to edit your answers and compare your options later in the calculator.

step 5

What do you plan on doing?

P.S. You can add custom activities once you've answered all the questions in the calculator.

step 6

How are you handling meals?

Making most meals

Cooking but also eating out

Mainly eating at restaurants

Answer questions about your trip to view calculator pricing results

A lightweight travel trailer driving down the road being towed by an SUV

Find Your RV

Ready to hit the road? Narrow down your search by exploring models, brands and RV types to find your perfect RV.

Two people sitting at a desk inside an RV, looking at computer screens.

Finance your RV

Like a home, purchasing an RV is a big financial decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Take the time to get to know your budget and your options first.

RV Trip Inspiration

Discover trip guides, planning tips and adventure inspiration with curated stories by RVers, for RVers.

Start Planning
A man marking a map with a pen
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