A Window to Hopkins, Michigan

A vase of roses, a bowl of crisp apples and a glowing candle that reads "home" on the kitchen table, in front of a foggy RV window.

Why do you like it here?

It’s a beautiful piece of property that is very well organized, and it’s family friendly. 

What’s your favorite part about this view?

I love the serene feeling that I get seeing the hill full of wildflowers and greenery.

How do you decide where to go next?

We’ve camped here for the last seven years. It’s our home away from home. 

Which views are on your bucket list?

An oceanside view would be lovely.

What’s one piece of advice you have for RVers?

Always take a second look around to review everything you enjoyed over your time away. And you might just see an item you dropped before you leave it behind.

What places do you recommend nearby?

Share your unique view of RV life on Instagram, using #WindowToTheWorld and tag @ThorIndustries. There is a chance your post will be re-grammed or featured on the Thor website.

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An travel trailer RV parked in a green field.