We've pledged to clean up trash from public lands. Join the movement, make a pledge, and share your contribution to #PickUpAmerica.
Girl Scouts x THOR Industries
Stronger Together: A Shared Commitment to Equity in the Outdoors
THOR has extended its two-year partnership with Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the preeminent leadership development organization for girls grades K-12, with an additional three years. The partnership underscores THOR's continued commitment to promoting inclusivity in the outdoors. As part of the commitment, THOR is the sponsor of GSUSA's largest and most popular outdoor event, Girl Scouts Love State Parks. The annual event is hosted in nearly 500 state parks across all 50 states and Puerto Rico. As part of the sponsorship, Girl Scouts is incorporating THOR’s own sustainability program, Pick Up America, into its park stewardship efforts.

Girl Scouts Love State Parks
The love for the great outdoors has always been a part of Girl Scouts’ DNA. This year the biggest Girl Scout outdoor event—the Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend—is coming back on September 9th and 10th!

What makes the Girl Scouts and THOR partnership such a good fit?
THOR is extremely proud to be working with Girl Scouts, not only because they are an incredible organization but because our core values align so well. Girl Scouts works with girls from all different backgrounds to provide life lessons, offer leadership skills, and get them connected with nature and with each other. And for THOR, that is exactly what the RV lifestyle is all about—providing opportunities to get people out into nature and making sure that it is an available option for everyone. Both organizations are truly committed to environmental stewardship and building more equity in the outdoors. — Renee Jones, Vice President of Marketing at THOR Industries

Why is it important to get girls outside and into nature?
One of the most important things that Girl Scouts programming does is get girls outdoors. Data has shown that outdoor experiences are critical for building confidence. Exposure to the outdoors and doing outdoor activities also helps expand horizons, especially for girls who may have never had the opportunity to get outside before. When you’re on a hike or you come face to face with nature, you realize that the world is so much bigger than yourself. And being outdoors can bring us that realization every time we step outside. — Marryann Barry, CEO of Girl Scouts of Citrus Council

Why is it important to keep parks and green spaces clean and trash-free?
When someone visits a park, it’s important to be conscious of how you might be impacting someone else’s recreational experience and how you might be impacting the environment. Leaving trash behind can be really harmful to the plants, animals and ecosystems in the area. Animals can mistake trash for food, and litter can pollute the soil and harm plant growth. And trash doesn’t just mean large bottles and cans—microplastics and really small pieces of trash can be extremely harmful as well. Every little bit helps. So, even if you think collecting a few pieces of trash isn’t important, that small act is tremendously important for the health and longevity of our parks and green spaces. — Rachel Nunlist, Park Manager at Lake Louisa State Park

How can someone get involved with Girl Scouts Love State Parks and Pick Up America?
Girl Scouts Love State Parks weekend will be taking place on September 10th and 11th at over 500 state parks across the country. Girl Scouts and their friends and families can participate in self-guided tours, family hikes, park clean-up events, water sports, stargazing and numerous special events. Girl Scouts can visit (HERE - link to come) to learn more about the events at their local park.
Join the Girl Scouts in being stewards of the outdoors by pledging to pick up trash through THOR's suitability program, Pick Up America. To learn more about this program and to make your pledge, please visit: www.pickupamerica.com.
Hungry For More?
Get recipes created by professional outdoor chef Sarah Glover that are fit for any Girl Scout—or adventurer!
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