Five Self-Care Tips For RV Moms

Bibi BARRINGER taking a hike with her children

Being a mom has given me so many opportunities for personal growth and connection and this is especially true as a mom who RV travels extensively. My family travels, works and homeschools from our RV, so I find myself surrounded by my children nearly 100 percent of the time. It’s a great privilege to be there for my kids, and to be in their hearts and lives daily, but this also means that finding time for myself and practicing personal self-care is extra important.

Over the years, I have learned how to incorporate self-care into my daily routine. As the word implies, we need to take care of ourselves so we can show up for our kids, feel better and truly enjoy the life we have.

With that, here are my five self-care tips for RV moms

  1. Wake Up Early

    In the mornings, I like to wake up before everyone else, make some coffee and have a quiet moment by myself. I’ll find a cozy spot inside the RV, and just relax and center myself before the day begins. I’ve found meditation and journaling to be really helpful practices, and this is a great time to do one or both. I like to focus on what I’m thankful for and start my day on a positive, grateful note. Even when my youngest stumbles out of bed right behind me and I only get five minutes, I can reflect back on that time and it helps keep me calm throughout the day.

    Bibi BARRINGER doing yoga to practice self care

  2. Move Your Body

    This is a simple, practical piece of advice but try to move your body daily. Moving your body releases endorphins and helps reduce stress. Plus, it’s good for your physical health! Wherever we are, I’ll create a space that allows me to move or stretch. This can mean doing some yoga on the back porch, going on a short walk around the campground or taking a hike in a local state park. If I’m outside and the weather is nice, I also like to walk barefoot for a few minutes. This allows me to feel closer to nature and truly take in the moment. Daily movement is also something you can do with your kids, so everyone benefits. I think it’s important for my kids to be a part of something that makes me happy and to see me moving, as it instills healthy habits.

  3. Prioritize Eating Whole Foods

    Even before we moved into our RV, I have always tried to focus on nourishing my body with whole foods. And this has become even more important now that we travel in a smaller space and have less room in the kitchen. Whenever I cook, I focus on incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables, and a healthy source of protein. I’ll even bake my own bread in the RV oven! Avoiding processed foods makes me feel so much better, and I know it’s better for my family. 

    One item that’s a must-have in our kitchen is a blender. It doesn’t take up a lot of space, and it’s an easy, convenient way to consume a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Having a green smoothie in the morning keeps my energy levels steady so I can better focus on my family. Do we still have s’mores around the campfire? Absolutely! Do I take granola bars on our hikes? Of course. But I focus on balancing these snacks and treats with whole foods as much as possible.

    Bibi BARRINGER drinking a green smoothie on her RV steps

  4. Ask For Little Moments During The Day

    Practicing self-care doesn’t have to take a long time or be pre-planned. When my husband is able to watch the kids, I like to take a long, relaxing shower. To create a more luxurious, spa-like atmosphere, I’ll add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water. Sometimes I’ll go to the grocery store by myself while he’s watching them. I’ll even sit outside for a few minutes while he plays inside with the kids. I’ve learned that I have to communicate my needs to my partner so he can jump in and help, thus allowing me to have some time alone. All of these little moments feel like self-care because they allow me to step away and focus on myself. I believe that, as a mom, when someone is able to take over the childcare—even for a few minutes—that can be a form of self-care.

  5. Practice Positive Thinking

    Out of all the tips, this has been the biggest game changer in my self-care routine. As a mom, we have to juggle a lot. And as an RV mom, you also have to deal with all of the different aspects of travel. From meal planning and homeschooling to running a household and keeping things clean, all while ensuring the baby doesn’t escape. With so much going on, it can be easy to fall into negative thinking and question yourself. As soon as I notice myself doing this, I try to leave the negative spiral and focus on the positive. For example, I’ll remind myself that I get to live this unique lifestyle, and that I get to be at home with my kids and watch them grow up. I’ll remind myself how much they’ve learned from my homeschooling, and that we get to explore the country and see new places. Setting the goal to stay in a positive headspace gives me the ability to speak life into myself and into the people around me. When you’re in a positive headspace, you can even find gratitude by doing the dishes (especially if you get to listen to a good podcast or audiobook!).

    Bibi BARRINGER's Journal Prompts

  6. Bonus Tip

    Make friends with your neighbors. The RV community is truly amazing—supportive, helpful and welcoming. If your kids make new friends at the campground, try to get to know the parents. It’s amazing what a few minutes of adult conversation can do to lift your spirits, especially for us moms.

For all you moms out there, both RV moms and otherwise, it’s time to get some self-care going! Remember that when you feel better, your family will feel better. Learn to connect with and trust yourself. I hope these five tips help you take better care of yourself so you can be the mom you are meant to be.

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